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Shopify shuts down Kit. Why? And what's an alternative?

Shopify is shutting down Kit. This post is for those merchants who want to know why Shopify would shut down Kit and a reliable alternative they can use for some of its features.

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July 7, 2021
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How to Find and Convert Micro-Influencers

Micro-influencers are a great way for Shopify stores of all sizes to reach new and relevant audiences. This new marketing strategy has been picking up steam in the past few years for several reasons...

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July 7, 2021
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Scale & Automation: GMLC Phase 4

During Scale we add fuel on the flames created in sprints. This stage should happen when needed, either coming off a hot experiment or waiting for the right season to scale.

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June 15, 2021
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Marketing Sprint Execution: GMLC Phase 3

The Execution, Launch and Optimization stage of the GMLC is where the magic happens. Teams will spend the vast majority of their time cycling through this process via a working framework called Growth Sprints.

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June 15, 2021
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Ideation & Hypotheses Development: GMLC Phase 2

Once teams have completed Goal Orientation, they should feel confident of what’s expected and bought into the achievability of their goals. In this stage, the teams collaborate and brainstorm to identify the right tactics to action.

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June 15, 2021
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Marketing Goal Orientation: GMLC Phase 1

Goal Orientation is the most crucial phase in the four step Growth Marketing Lifecycle. It sets the stage for everything during the rest of the lifecycle. Click through to read the details.

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June 15, 2021
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The Growth Marketing Lifecycle (GMLC)

The GMLC is a framework designed for marketing teams looking to break out of their traditional marketing processes and adopt a growth oriented and agile way of working.

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June 15, 2021
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Importance of Agile Marketing

Agile "ways of working” priorities were mandated within the walls of product development and innovation functions. And why not? Isn’t product the core value proposition and differentiator? But what about Marketing, or the Growth functions? Surely these functions are just as important.

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March 4, 2021
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Build trust on Reddit

Reddit is an important channel because it gets over 500 million visitors per month, and it is the #8 most visited website in the world (#4 in the United States).

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April 9, 2020
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When and how to call, text, or email your customers

If I only had one sentence to make my case for SMS and Calling it would be this: The average email open rate for all emails is less than 20%! Here is the study and link to the data...

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April 9, 2020
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Supplementing your cart recovery emails with phone or SMS

With Email open rates dropping each year, why would you leave that large shopping cart recovery in the fickle hands of the inbox deliverability and automation gods?

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April 9, 2020
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Asking for phone numbers: optional, required, or hidden?

We want to make our customer's buying journey as seamless as possible. Shopify has done a great job optimizing store checkouts using data from hundreds of millions of checkouts, but they've left us to decide on the phone field.

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April 9, 2020
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50 ecommerce growth hacks you can do each day

Even if you just did one of these items each week, you will have a full year's worth of marketing and sales hacks. Some will work better than others. It's your job to find what works for you, and double down on that.

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April 9, 2020
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